Tribute to Soujanya--most friendly and hardworking delegate of this year's Hyderabad Youth Assembly

2012 - 2013

Created by avinash 11 years ago
Biography Dear Members, It's deeply saddening to inform you all that we've lost one of our most friendly and hardworking delegate of this year's Hyderabad Youth Assembly, Soujanya Vidya in a road accident near HPS, Begumpet last night at around 11pm. Soujanya was driving a two-wheeler when a lorry had collided her vehicle, which lead to this dreadful accident. Soujanya belongs to goal 3 i.e. Woman Empowerment of HYA and has actively participated in all the tasks taken up by the goal. Her presence and share of work put into the group is irreplaceable. It's devastating that she isn't with us anymore. They say people who bloom in the hearts of others never fade away and she is one such person in her friends' and close ones' lives. Today lets find comfort and strength in all the memories we've had with her. Also Street Cause Hyderabad, the Hyderabad Youth Assembly and coordinators of SC GNI, would like to pay tribute to her and her work towards this organisation. Even though she isn't present between us today, her work will always remain acknowledged and respected. Lets hope that her family and friends are given enough strength by God to overcome this bereavement of theirs. And lastly, Soujanya, you will always remain in the hearts of the Street Cause family. May your soul rest in peace. Street Cause
